Friends: Three Kinds of Potatoes
Joey: Hey, Monica, I got a question. I don’t see any tater tots.
Monica: That’s not a question.
Joey: But my mom always makes them. It’s like a tradition. You get a little piece of turkey on your fork, a little cranberry sauce, and a tot! It’s bad enough I can’t be with my family because of my disease.
Monica: All right, fine. Tonight’s potatoes will be both mashed with lumps, and in the form of tots.
Friends, Season One
Monica: What, Phoebe, did you whip the potatoes? Ross needs lumps!
Phoebe: Oh, I’m sorry, oh, I just, I thought we could have them whipped and then add some peas and onions.
Monica: Why would we do that?
Phoebe: Well, ’cause then they’d be like my mom used to make them, you know, before she died.
Monica: Ok, three kinds of potatoes coming up.
Friends, Season One
Nothing is worse on the holidays when you’re responsible for cooking for a large group and you start feeling like a short order cook. When Monica realized she was cooking for all her friends on Thanksgiving, she ended up having to make three kinds of potato dishes. Mash potatoes with lumps, whipped potatoes with onions and pea, and tater tots. Things were going well until they were locked out of their apartment and dinner was ruined. They ended up eating grilled cheese and Funyuns but here are the three dishes Monica intended on making.
Potatoes are a must on my Thanksgiving table so I hope these recipes can possibly help you on Thanksgiving. These recipes can be made ahead of time but just be sure of warm through before dinner. You might need more liquid to help bring it back to the consistency you want. I’ll be posting the tater tot recipe tomorrow so make sure to come back for that!
Equipment: Ingredients: Directions:Mash Potatoes with Lumps
Equipment: Ingredients: Directions:Whipped Potatoes with Onions and Peas