Gloin: What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?
Gandalf: No, Master Gloin, he’s offering you food.
[the dwarves turn and discuss amongst themselves then turn back to Gandalf]
Gloin: Ah, Well. In that case, lead on.
The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey
The dwarves couldn’t have been more elated to hear that Lord Elrond as invited Thorin and his company into Rivendell for a meal. Little did the dwarves know that the elves didn’t exactly celebrate and eat the same foods as they did and this led to the hilarious scene when dwarves try to figure out exactly what the green pieces on their plate was.
The elves don’t need much to sustain themselves so it was interesting for food stylist, Deborah Logan, to figure out exactly what the elves would serve during a feast. She basically narrowed it down to small cakes, lots of greens, edible flowers, and vegetarian dishes. Everything was very light and beautiful. While it was not explained what was specifically served during that feast, I based all my menu items off the scene and the images provided in Weta’s The Desolation of Smaug Chronicles: Cloaks and Daggers book.
Notes to remember:
- vegetarian dishes
- small cakes
- edible flowers for garnish
- exotic fruit