COOPER: You know, this is, excuse me, a damn good cup of coffee. I’ve had, I can’t tell you, how many cups of coffee I’ve had in my life and this… is one of the best.
WAITRESS: Thank you.
COOPER: I’d like two eggs, over hard, don’t tell me, I know it’s hard on the arteries but old habits die hard, just about has hard as I like those eggs… bacon, super crispy, almost burned, cremate it. That’s great. I’ll have the grapefruit juice… as long as those grapefruits are freshly squeezed.
- Twin Peaks – RR Diner – Three Berry Pie and Malt Milkshake Recipe
- Twin Peaks: Eggs over Hard with Cremated Bacon Recipe
- Twin Peaks: Griddle Cakes and Ham recipe
- Twin Peaks: Tuna Fish sandwich and Cherry Pie Recipe