Divergent: Creamy Scrambled Eggs
“We don’t like to give Jeanine Matthews what she wants, though,” Tobias says. He gets up and hands me a can of peas —but it isn’t full of peas; it’s full of scrambled eggs. The aluminum warms my fingers. He sits, so I sit next to him, and scoop some of the eggs into my mouth. I am not hungry, but I know I need to eat, so I chew and swallow anyway.
Eggs are something I can have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It really doesn’t matter if it’s fried, boiled, or scrambled. I can eat eggs for every meal. Scrambled eggs are easy enough but I realized I was making scrambled eggs incorrectly for years when I first went to culinary school. We cooked our scrambled eggs over a bain marie and it took triple the time it usually took me to make it at home on a skillet. The result was incredible. The eggs were creamy and soft. The complete opposite of what I was use to.
I’ll be honest and say I don’t make scrambled eggs like this every time because the process takes longer than I prefer but it’s definitely something I do on a slow Sunday. A lot of recipes call for cream of milk but I never found that necessary. Cream will definitely add some richness to it so feel free to add a splash if you prefer. I hope you enjoy this simple yet delicious recipe!

Divergent: Creamy Scrambled Eggs
- 4 - eggs large, organic
- 1 tbsp - unsalted butter
- salt and pepper
- fresh herbs chives - optional
- Set a saucepan with 1" of water over medium heat.
- Whisk the eggs in a bowl until combined and add the butter. Set the bowl over the simmering water.
- With your spatula, move the mixture back and forth. After a few minutes, you will notice the eggs thickening. The more often your agitate and move the mixture, the creamier it will be. If you move the mixture less, the pieces of egg will be larger.
- When the eggs are half way cooked, remove the mixture from the water. The residual heat will continue to cook the eggs.
- The mixture should now be really nice and creamy. Season with salt and pepper and garnish with freshly minced herbs.