This Is Us: Jack’s Birthday Banana Muffin with Twinkie Cream Recipe
REBECCA: Okay, I need to make a fancy chocolate almond cake as fast as humanly possible.
REBECCA: So I’m going to need butter, sugar, flour, almonds, and semisweet chocolate.
CLERK: Ma’am, this is a liquor store.
REBECCA: I know, but it says that it’s “Liquor and More”. So, where’s the more? You were the only store within walking distance. Okay, what’s your name?
CLERK: Teddy.
REBECCA: I’m Rebecca. Teddy’s here’s the deal. I haven’t slept very well the last couple of nights, right? I cry when my socks and mismatched. And I was really, really, really, mean to my husband. Really mean to him and he’s pretty much perfect. I’ve seen what else is out there. So, I need to make him something for his birthday. Do you understand me? I need to make him something homemade. It doesn’t have to be fancy chocolate almond cake. It has to be something homemade, something I made with my own two hands so he can see how much I love him. ‘Cause I was really mean. Do you understand?
TEDDY: Yeah. I got, uh, banana muffins
REBECCA: I’ll take a banana muffin. Do you having icing?
TEDDY: Oh, I got Twinkles. You can squirt out the insides.
REBECCA: Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I can work with that, I guess.
I’ve been so caught up with the Game of Thrones finale that I temporarily lost track of the many recipes I still need to make. One of the recipes is actually the one you see now, Jack’s birthday muffin from the NBC show, This Is Us. August 31 is Jack’s birthday and it just so happens he has the same birthday his three kids. One of the more memorable scenes from the show comes from this episode about Jack’s birthday.
You can easily go to the store and buy a few banana muffins like Rebecca did but I had all the ingredients to make it. The following recipe is from All Recipes and you can find more information and detail here. Before making the muffins, please be sure to read the recipe notes on bottom of the page. Please enjoy and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JACK!

This Is Us: Jack's Birthday Muffin
- 3/4 cup all purpose flour, sifted
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 medium ripe banana, mashed
- 1/3 cup granulated sugar
- 1/2 egg, lightly whisked
- 2 tbsp melted unsalted butter
- Twinkies as needed or approximately 4 Twinkies for each muffin
- sprinkles as needed
- Preheat the oven to 350F. Line a muffin tin with 6 paper liners and set aside.
- Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together into a bowl. In a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the mashed banana, sugar, egg, and melted butter together until well combined on medium speed.
- Add the flour to the mixer in two additions. Give the batter a good stir with spatula to make sure it's well incorporated.
- Scoop the batter evenly into the prepared muffin tin. Bake for 15-20 minutes until it's golden brown and a skewer comes out clean when inserted in the center. Let it cool completely before frosting.
- Split the twinkles in half lengthwise. Scoop out the cream and layer it onto the muffins. Top with sprinkles and a blue candle.
- This recipe is modified to only make 6 muffins. If you want 12, simply double the recipe.
- The recipe calls for 1/2 an egg. The easiest way to measure this is to creak the egg into a bowl and whisk it slightly. Take half and use it in the recipe.
- It took the cream of about 4 Twinkies to cover one muffin.